samedi 13 janvier 2018

Classroom Limits

Limits are the foundation for discipline in the Montessori toddler environment. Limits are clear and simple rules that are consistently upheld in the community. Young children need limits to feel safe and secure in their environment. Limits also help children establish who they are within a community. Adults maintain these limits and model them to the children. 

"The Umbrella Limits" 

The child in the toddler environment is allowed freedom within these three limits:

  1. Treat other people with respect, kindness, and peace both physically or emotionally 
  2. Treat the materials and environment with care. 
  3. Treat self with respect and care.  

In our classroom, as long as the Umbrella Limits are being followed, the child is free to choose an activity and work on it for as long as they desire.

If a child needs help with following a limit, we may model the expected behavior, provide a lesson, or invite the child to the quiet corner.


 There are certain expectations which we set and model in the classroom.
  • Use a rug to define your space when working on the floor. Roll and return rug when finished.
  • Table works may only be completed on a table.
  • Clean up all materials when finished.
  • Return work to the shelf so it is ready for the next friend to use.
  • Walk in the classroom.
  • Maintain a quiet voice level.
  • Ask to observe a friend. If they agree, observe silently with your hands behind your back.
  • Try to dress self before asking for help from an adult.
  • Try each food item at lunch before receiving the next course.
  • Clean up dishes from lunch.
  • Brush teeth after lunch. 

Expectations grow and evolve along with the children.  As they become more confident and capable with tasks, their expectations will increase.  


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