Books are a great support for a variety of reasons:
transmit values or messages, respond to a theme that interests them and discuss
life situations.
I’ve always loved books and thanks to my daughters
I’ve discovered a passion for children’s books.
Since they’re small I try to show them and pass on to
them the fact that doing good around you, helping others is very important and
valuable. Recently, I found a book that illustrates perfectly
this concept.
Through beautiful
& colorful illustrations and simple words, this soothing book explains to
children how easy and rewarding it is to show kindness, gratitude & love on
a daily basis.
This heartwarming book encourages positive behavior by using the concept of an invisible bucket. It also explains that it’s possible to fill or dip into our own buckets.
This guide to daily happiness, though, is not just for kids. We all need reminders of the benefits of positive thinking and positive behavior. It’s an important lesson to teach and remind us all, from time to time, that showing kindness and appreciation of others goes a long way to making this world a happier place for everyone, including ourselves.